Thursday, December 04, 2008

Human MRI Scan 3D Sculpture

This post is proud to have been syndicated to the Ponoko blog.

Here's a greatly conceived bit of visualisation from Neil Fraser, one of the many brainy software engineers at Google (hoho):

Wooden MRI scan

Fraser has pasted prints from an MRI scan onto 60 nicely finished wooden blocks to make a part-puzzle/part-educational model representing a human head (interestingly, he doesn't mention to whom it belongs) from the inside.

Infosthetics, the information aesthetics blog says:

"Using touch as well as the third dimension to explore 3D data is an interesting avenue, as alternative interfaces need to be explored as much as representation."

We say, let's laser cut this puzzle!

Fraser brain cross section 1

Fraser brain cross section 2

Fraser brain cross section 3

via Make via infosthetics

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